How do you craft a story from an idea?
How do you turn your story into a good film script?
How do you pitch your script?
Shikshya Foundation Nepal in collaboration with KathaSatha present: A Screenwriting Workshop conducted by Bhavani Iyer (writer of Black, Lootera, Guzaarish, Raazi, Sam Bahadur), for Nepali feature film writers.
Posted on 16 February 2025
In many mainstream literature, art and film, we encounter LGBTQIA+characters as one-dimensional caricatures and not complex beings. Part of the problem could be that many of these narratives are created by folks who do not identify as being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, but more importantly, there is a dire need for a diverse range of stories from within the queer community in Nepal. What feels crucial at this time is to seek, listen to, read and nurture queer writers.
This day-long workshop, A Room Of One’s Own, is a creative writing primer designed for queer writers who want to write but perhaps don’t know where to begin, or who are looking for a supportive community to write with. This workshop is inspired by and an extension of the writing residency of the same name held in December of 2022. Then, six writers were selected from a large pool of applicants to write together for 10-days and create a DIY zine of twenty-two original works of poetry and prose.
Posted on 15 April 2024
Join KathaSatha and Queens Memory for an online prose and poetry writing workshop inspired by St. John’s University’s Yeh Art Gallery exhibition, Moon Over Kathmandu, which showcases the abstract paintings of the late Nepali artist and polymath, Lain Singh Bangdel.
Posted on 6 January 2022
In this workshop, we will learn how to write compelling and clear statements of purpose for strong applications for grants, fellowships, and artists’ residencies. Students will have the chance to brainstorm and create their own templates in class, get feedback, and feel more confident in future forays in the wider literary world.
Posted on 1 December 2021
A Distillation Writing Workshop
In this workshop, writers will learn how to craft impactful fragments of writing. Accepted applicants will come prepared with a 300-500 word scene; during the workshop, we will work to get to the heart of the scene, crafting from it a short fragment of writing that carries the scene's full weight. Writers will learn how to sift to the core of their writing and extract what is most important to them as writers, and learn how to effectively convey that in their work.
The facilitator, Sharmini Aphrodite, will lead with a series of writing exercises and readings that will guide writers to distill and compress their work.
Posted on 20 September 2021
A Memoir Writing Workshop
HOME has always carried different meanings for different people throughout histories and spaces. And the pandemic has put an entirely different spin to what home has come to mean for many of us.
Join KathaSatha and Queens Memory for a memoir writing workshop where you will write and share personal stories that will explore ideas of home in different and distinct phases of your lives. Participants are encouraged to bring personal photos that may help in telling and sharing their stories. Writer, educator and translator, Muna Gurung, will lead the workshop with a series of writing exercises.
Posted on 11 May 2021
What is the situation and what is the story? Are they one and the same?
For this short, two-day creative non-fiction writing workshop, we are inviting writers who identify as queer to write with Niranjan Kunwar, author of Nepal’s first queer memoir, Between Queens and the Cities.
Posted on 3 December 2020
Camille Asia Ollivierre is a queer, Vincentian-American poet from New York, USA. She’s a rising senior at Smith College in Massachusetts and is currently in Kathmandu interning with KathaSatha.
Posted on 19 August 2019
Excavating Stories From Our Lives
A five-day creative writing workshop for students from Shikshya Foundation. Learning how to reach within ourselves and our experiences to write ourselves into stories.
Posted on 15 July 2019
In this generative one-day masterclass with Christina Olivares, we’ll be engaging all of our senses—and permitting those senses to connect with dreams and memory— to create poems that “make sense” of place, time, body, and self.
Posted on 6 July 2018
The focus of the workshop will be to understand our own writing processes. We may think that we don’t have a set process, but we all do; having no concrete process is still a process.
Posted on 12 July 2017
We went to Yangshila, Morang, to visit our friends at KTK-BELT Studio, who are doing incredible work of building outdoor learning grounds over 100 acres of Terai and Mahabharat range lands.
Posted on 12 July 2017
A Writing Workshop with Muna Gurung from KathaSatha
in collaboration with Srijanalaya & Word Warriors for Kathmandu Triennale 2017
Posted on 12 July 2017
Facilitator, Muna Gurung, will lead the workshop with a series of writing exercises that involve images and words.
Posted on 19 July 2016
KathaSatha is excited to collaborate with Photo Kathmandu for GalliSalli: Patan Edition. The workshop will focus on collecting, creating and presenting stories (in mixed media) from both intimate and public spaces in Patan.
Posted on 1 July 2015
Come join Katha Satha’s exciting public writing project GalliSalli and be a part of this 2-DAY writing workshop this spring!
Posted on 9 March 2015
Come join Katha Satha in a primer workshop for an exciting public writing project, Galli Salliharuma. Writers and storytellers will remember, record and archive non-fiction narratives through memory as lived out in specific spaces around the city of Kathmandu.
Posted on 6 August 2014
Four fourteen-year-old boys gathered at a writing center in a NYC high school to hang out. Sometimes we read. Sometimes we wrote. Sometimes we watched YouTube videos. But most of the time we ate donuts.
Posted on 5 August 2013
8C of Shuvatara School was asked to avoid cliches. No more “hungry as a hippo” or “greedy as a pig” or “it’s raining cats and dogs.”
Posted on 12 July 2011
Nepal Picture Library Project was taken to a classroom in Kathmandu last week. KathaSatha worked with class 8C of Shuvatara School for six English lessons helping them bring photos from their family albums and exercising their right to tell stories.
Posted on 28 June 2011
This summer, write your hearts out with as few words as possible. Learn how to write complete stories in short paragraphs, a few pages, maybe even a sentence!
Posted on 13 June 2011